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Software Application

Business Intelligence: A Quantitative Approach

Authors Master of Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon [email protected] Master of Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon [email protected] Paper DOI https://doi.org/10.59992/IJFAES.2024.v3n1p3 Abstract Business Intelligence has become in the front of demanding technologies. Many companies need technology to adapt to changing requirements, to deal with rich amounts of data; to get correct… اقرأ المزيد »Business Intelligence: A Quantitative Approach

Measuring the Performance of the Development Team Regarding Business Intelligence Applications

Author Ph.D. of Business Administration, Tripoli University, Libya [email protected] Abstract Business intelligence applications are in the front of demanding technologies. Companies need technology to adapt to changing requirements, to deal with a rich amount of data, to get correct information, to analyze data, and finally to quickly support decision-makers. Developing… اقرأ المزيد »Measuring the Performance of the Development Team Regarding Business Intelligence Applications