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الصفحة الرئيسية » الإصدار 3، العدد 4 ـــــ إبريل 2024 ـــــ Vol. 3, No. 4 » The Role of Effective Leadership in Achieving Organizational Success of Food Companies in Saudi Arabia

The Role of Effective Leadership in Achieving Organizational Success of Food Companies in Saudi Arabia


    Business Administration, Midocean University, Emirates

    [email protected]

    Business Administration, Midocean University, Emirates

    [email protected]

    Business Administration, Midocean University, Emirates

    [email protected]


    This research investigates the role of effective leadership in achieving organizational success within food companies in Saudi Arabia. Employing quantitative research methodology, a structured questionnaire was utilized as the primary data collection tool. The questionnaire, comprising 27 statements related to various aspects of effective leadership and organizational success, was administered to a sample of 50 participants selected through random sampling from employees within the Saudi Arabian food industry. Analysis of the questionnaire responses revealed a generally positive perception of effective leadership practices, with participants acknowledging the importance of leadership in fostering collaboration, promoting accountability, and enhancing communication effectiveness. However, variations in agreement levels across different dimensions of leadership were observed, indicating areas for further improvement. Based on the findings, recommendations include conducting further research to explore specific leadership behaviors contributing significantly to organizational success, implementing tailored leadership training programs, fostering knowledge sharing among food companies, investigating policy implications of effective leadership practices, and exploring cross-cultural perspectives on leadership effectiveness.